CBS President Scott Ford’s Q&A on IdeaMensch

Our President Scott Ford was interviewed by entrepreneur-focused website IdeaMensch on his career and personal achievements throughout his life. In case you missed the article, here’s a recap of the insights he shared: 

  1. The customer isn’t always right, but their perception of you and your service is always right.
  2. Recognize that not everything is your fault—not everything is on your shoulders.
  3. It’s the knowledge that is collected bit by bit that makes an entrepreneur successful.
  4. Be that guy that dropped off cupcakes on Tuesday (that is, make yourself memorable with prospects).

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Understanding the New HOA Rules in Florida

Did you know Florida is home to nearly 50,000 HOAs, making it the state with the second-highest number of HOAs in the country, behind California? A recent bill signed by Governor Ron DeSantis, effective this July, aims to offer more leniency to homeowners while providing HOAs with clearer guidelines and restrictions.

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Effective July 1, DRE Has Increased Their Filing Fees

The California Department of Real Estate (DRE) is implementing new regulations that impact buyers and sellers. These new regulations will implement higher fees, revised mapping regulations, and new building configurations. Real estate professionals and stakeholders—particularly developers—must familiarize themselves with these updates to navigate the evolving regulatory framework and continue providing high-quality services. We’ve created a blog post with helpful information on the updated filing fees and a full analysis of the changes.

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