5 Items HOAs need to stop (or, start) paying for in 2022

Now that the holidays are over, it’s time for us to get back to work—in our industry, that means budgets! Specifically, HOA budgets. If you’re a member of an HOA board or community manager, this is an annual conversation. You’re likely asking questions such as: How do our reserves look? What’s the next landscaping or remodeling project we’re working on as a community? Do we need to raise HOA fees?

While those are all valid, essential questions, there may be other things you’re not considering. At California Builder Services, we’ve collected and worked on thousands of HOA budgets for associations across the state of California, from Lake Tahoe to San Diego and every region in between. Truthfully, we’re surprised by some of what we see when we audit an HOA budget.

Look, we get it. There are things you really want to do for your community. But, you need to ask yourself—was it really worth it? If it was coming out of your direct bank account, would you splurge on that item?

With that in mind, we’re building a checklist of five items you need to review at your next board meeting, followed by a recommendation to either STOP…or START paying for them.

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Understanding the New HOA Rules in Florida

Did you know Florida is home to nearly 50,000 HOAs, making it the state with the second-highest number of HOAs in the country, behind California? A recent bill signed by Governor Ron DeSantis, effective this July, aims to offer more leniency to homeowners while providing HOAs with clearer guidelines and restrictions.

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Effective July 1, DRE Has Increased Their Filing Fees

The California Department of Real Estate (DRE) is implementing new regulations that impact buyers and sellers. These new regulations will implement higher fees, revised mapping regulations, and new building configurations. Real estate professionals and stakeholders—particularly developers—must familiarize themselves with these updates to navigate the evolving regulatory framework and continue providing high-quality services. We’ve created a blog post with helpful information on the updated filing fees and a full analysis of the changes.

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